The title of this episode- "Better Half"- is
fitting considering that the episode revolves around most of the "old
ladys" associated with SAMCRO. There has always been the saying that the
woman is the "better half" of a relationship, especially in terms of
providing support and stability. The question heading into this episode was
whether or not that phrase would hold true? We have seen in previous episodes
that members of SAMCRO have been willing to go great lengths to protect the
club and its members, sometimes sacrificing themselves (Otto) or relationships
with their family (Opie) for the benefit of the club's mission and goals. This
episode would help prove if in fact behind every good man is an even stronger
Luann and Gemma |
first "old lady" who is tested this episode is Luann, Otto's wife.
Luann runs the CaraCara porn studio, which was busted by government officials
and she was taken out in handcuffs. For the purpose of this blog, I want to
compare/contrast Luann's actions this episode with Cherry's, who recently
became HalfSack's "old lady." Luann has been an "old lady"
for many years and has dealt with Otto being in prison for a long period of
time due to his arrests from actions with SAMCRO. Rather then seek retribution
of hold anger against the club, Luann has dutifully continued to work with
SAMCRO and support them whenever possible. While Luann remained in holding at
the police station or her most recent arrest at CaraCara, she refused to give
up any information related to SAMCRO even when pushed for details. Cherry on
the other hand was also arrested, but her arrest was not related to SAMCRO.
Cherry had apparently been married in Nevada and left her husband because he
was abusive and burned down his house, which left her wanted for arrest. Cherry
was much younger than Luann and the audience had the feeling throughout the
episode that Cherry was not adequately prepared for the life of SAMCRO and the
life that being an "old lady" entailed, even if she did pretend to
have a hard exterior. This became even more clear when Jax and Opie were able
to break into the police station at night and rescue Luann. Jax and Opie said
at the time that they would "come back" for Cherry but Cherry
responded that she "knows she would rat and she would make a deal."
Cherry telling Gemma about her past |
Cherry did not mean for this to be threatening, as she was simply telling the
truth. Cherry did not have the mental make-up of a Gemma or a Luann or even a
Tara, and the slightest heat from the police would likely make her spill her
guts. Jax and Opie broke her out of prison along with Luann since they couldn't
take that risk, especially since they likely knew that Cherry did not have the
same fortitude as other "old ladys." Throughout this season we have
seen dedication to SAMCRO and seen individuals whose loyalty to the club has
been tested- and some have passed and others have failed. It was clear that
Luann passed and Cherry did not.
loyalty to the club is even more apparent later in the episode. Government
officials decide to use Otto as a way to try and get intel on SAMCRO, and so
they offer to drop all charges against Luann- past and present- if Otto
cooperates. Otto decides to agree, but he wants to see Luann before he signs
off on the proposal. SAMCRO decides to allow Luann to visit Otto, where she
takes the opportunity to inform him that the
Luann tells Otto about RICO Act |
government is trying to bring down
the entire club through the "RICO Act." Once again, Luann has risked
herself for the benefit of the club. Had she not said this to Otto, he likely
would have turned on the club and provided valuable information to the
government. Instead, knowing that all of Luanns charges have been dropped as
per their agreement, Otto hands Agent Stahl a piece of paper with information
from 1999. As she asks him to sign a contract to validate that information,
Otto grabs Stahl's head and smashes it into the table repeatedly. Stahl
escapes- barely and bloody- but without a signed testimony from Otto.
Gemma and Agent Stahl |
the conclusion of the episode, viewers got a look at Agent Stahl as a broken
woman-- even if it was momentary. The interesting aspect is that her character
would seemingly be a perfect compliment to a member of SAMCRO. In essence, she
would be a great "old lady." She is smart and cut-throat much like
Gemma and has loyalty (in this case to her career) in the same way that Luann
has loyalty for Otto and the club. It is certainly a stretch, but I think that
one interesting aspect of this SAMCRO vs Stahl rivalry is the fact they would
work well together since it's almost like looking into a mirror.